Recruitment And Selection Problems For The Most Common Personnel

Some of the recruitment and selection problems that can occur during these processes are:

Use The Same Platforms To Publish Job Offers

Employers are generally quite predictable in their hiring processes. If a job offers publication platform such recruitment agency hull has given good results, for convenience, offers continue to be published on this same portal. What is the recruitment and selection problem that this generates?

The problem is that if we always publish on the same portal, we will be limiting the search potential for all those people who are not registered on said platform or who do not even know it.

Offer False Job Growth Expectations

For the candidate, it is important to know in detail what conditions the job position for which he is going to apply presents in order to know if he fits or not what he is looking for. For this, it is necessary for the recruiter to speak to you directly and sincerely and tell you about the reality of the company, the salary, the activities, and the possibility of continuing to learn once you enter the company.

If we disclose all these data to a candidate who really seems good to us for the vacancy that we need to fill, it will be easier for our applicant to finally decide to be part of our staff.

The possibility of continuing to grow within a company is one of the most valued points by today’s candidates, therefore saying it in the interview and then making it totally impossible will end up being a problem in the recruitment process and recruitment and we risk losing the new employee.

Failing To Offer The Job Right After The Recruitment And Selection Process

This is another problem in the most common recruitment and selection process. If during the reselection a candidate arrives that the recruiter likes a lot, it will be a matter of minutes before he decides to stop doing interviews and opts for the personnel who have seemed the most successful.

This is a gross error, since if we cut a selection process sharply, we will be closing the door to other possible candidates who are better than the person we consider to be the ideal, so we must never decide during the process, but rather a Once finalized, among the shortlisted people, another selection must be made, which will already be the final one and we will be able to observe in the candidate some of his aptitudes before making a hasty decision.

Absence Of Key Personnel During The Recruitment And Selection Process

It is important that during the personnel recruitment processes, the people who are related to the vacancy that has been offered are present. Nobody better than a head of department or a boss, will know what are the qualities that are required of the candidates who are applying for our job offer.

Many recruitment and personnel selection problems are determined by this small error, the fact that the people involved are not present can lead to confusion for the person who is in charge of doing the interviews or selection tests.

Not Looking For The Compatibility Of The Candidate With Our Company

Not only is it important to take into account that the candidate has all the requirements and knowledge of the position which temp recruitment agencies offer, but we also have to know whether or not they fit the organizational culture of our business.

It is interesting to know what the interests and motivations of our candidate are, since through this we will be able to know if he identifies with the values ​​and business philosophy that we carry out, and therefore he will correctly adjust to what our company needs.

If these types of factors are not taken into account, the results can be negative, such as job dissatisfaction or staff turnover.

Not Being Clear About The Characteristics Of The Position That We Need To Fill

In some cases, this is another problem in the recruitment and selection process of personnel, since sometimes we need to fill a vacancy in a short period of time and the recruiter does not stop to think what the needs that the position requires are.

Before launching a job offer in any way, a strategy must be defined through which it is important that there is prior planning that helps us determine what type of candidate we need and what are the requirements that he has to meet to adjust to the job position that we have to fill.

Wanting The Candidate To Be Perfect For The Vacancy

When a recruiter is at the forefront of a recruitment and selection process, he will be waiting for the ideal candidate to arrive and to fit the position in all profiles. For this to happen be quite complicated, since in the event that it happens, you can make the mistake of hiring an overqualified person, who sooner or later will leave because he will not see challenges in front of our company.

It is important to know how to measure this data, since the important thing is not that it perfectly fits the profile we are looking for, but that it has skills and competencies that fit what we need, and that we see in the candidate the desire and attitude to demonstrate what knows how to do within our company.

Expect The Candidate To Have The Same Profile As The Person Who Previously Held The Position

This we can say that it is one of the most common recruitment and selection problems among recruiters. When a person decides to leave a job or has been fired, the easiest way is for the recruiter to look for another candidate who meets the same qualities as the previous one.

The problem with this is that we will be prejudging our candidates, in such a way that we will not value their potential, their creativity or the learning capacity that they can develop in the company.

It is important to give the opportunity to candidates who, although they do not meet all the qualities that the position may require in detail, are able to show us that they can handle it and want to develop within the company.

These are some of the most common problems that we can find in personnel recruitment and selection processes. If you still do not know if your way of carrying out a recruitment process is the most successful, do not hesitate to contact to search for jobs in darlington UK.