10 Ways To Increase Your Selling Power
Knockout sales champions have an insatiable appetite for knowledge. They know that their customers look to them for expert advice and know it’s their responsibility to stay on top business trends, changes, and competitive activity.
Part of their core competency is the acquisition of “New Knowledge,” and they turn it into an art form and business discipline. They are always prepared to think through all sides of an opportunity.
Their customers view them as experts and respond accordingly, and as a result the “TRUE” Sales Champions out sell, out earn, and KO their competition repeatedly.
Don’t be a slug and keep putting off your acquisition of knowledge.
Do you know why Sales Champions are BIG readers?
Sales Champions recognize the need for continuous learning – they’re always feeding their brains. And you should too. Sure you’re busy and sure you have a lot on your plate, but don’t be apathetic when
it comes to your personal growth and development.
If you don’t care, who will?
You’re in charge of your self-development. Here’s a list of KNOCKOUT books and magazines. It doesn’t take hours a day – it takes only minutes a day to become smarter than you already are.
Don’t ever be too busy to get smart.
Here are ten phenomenal Brain Snacks you can use to increase your selling power.
5 KNOCKOUT magazines – Psssssst – I’ll bet your competitors don’t get these publications. Advantage goes to you – if you do.
1. Selling Power
2. Business 2.0
3. Fast Company
4. Entrepreneur
5. INC. Magazine
You don’t have to read the entire magazine. When your issue arrives, scan the table of contents and tear out the articles that interests you. Put them in a file folder labelled “Reading File.”
The next time someone keeps you waiting – you can be productive.
I believe the size of your library is a good predictor of sales success!
Here’s a reading list of 5 good books you should own.
1. How To Win Friends And Influence People by Dale Carnegie
2. The Greatest Salesman In The World by Og Mandino
3. The New Psycho-Cybernetics by Maxwell Maltz
4. The 12 Best Questions To Ask Customers by Jim Meisenheimer
5. The Science Of Getting Rich by Jim Meisenheimer & Wallace D. Wattles
Did you ever see a flock of eagles? Of course not and it’s because they don’t flock. Pigeons flock, ducks flock, and geese flock – but Eagles don’t hang around these birds.
They are soaring at a much higher level.
It’s your choice. Choose to become Sales Champion or choose to be ordinary.
What you read influences who will become!
Let’s go sell something . . . .