Suggested Recipes for Low Potassium Diet
If you or a member of your family has diabetes, kidney problems, hyperkalemia or diabetic kidney disease, chronic kidney disease then your doctor would recommend low potassium intake and you should come up with recipes for low potassium diet. Although there are still other reasons for this kind of diet but the health problems mentioned are always using this kind of diet and meal planning. Finding recipes need not be a problem nowadays since there are many web sites, related to health and food, offering free recipes on this matter. All you need is to browse the internet and get all the information you need.
Potassium is good for the body especially for people that have high blood pressure it is not much necessary and desirable for those suffering from diabetes and kidney related diseases that it is to be consumed in high quantity. It is very much essential and needed for the well-being of the body but if a person has problems in absorbing high amounts of it then this is where a proper meal plan in low quantity of potassium is required.
The common suggestion is to lower down food intake or take small portions. The recommended portioning of food is ½ cup of each suggested food and these are Alfalfa sprouts, Apple (1 medium), Asparagus, Apricots, Blackberries, Beans, Blueberries, Bread (Not Whole Grains), Cabbage, Carrots, cooked Cauliflower, Celery (1 stalk), Corn fresh (½ ear), Cucumber, Cherries, Cranberries, Fruit Cocktail, Grapes, Grape Juice, Grapefruit (½ whole), Eggplant, Kale, Lettuce, Mushrooms, Noodles, Okra, Onions, Parsley, Pasta, Peas, green Peppers, Radish, Rhubarb, Rice Mandarin Oranges, Peaches, fresh (1 small), Pears, fresh (1 small) Pineapple, Pineapple Juice, Plums (1 whole), Raspberries, Strawberries, Tangerine (1 whole), Watermelon(limit to 1 cup), Vegetables, Water Chestnuts, Water cress, Yellow Squash, and Zucchini Squash.
It can be noted that most of the food suggestions belong in the fruit and vegetable category and whole grain bread and noodles are not included but only refined products. Aside from having recipes for low potassium diet, protein also need to be limited for about 60-70 grams a day. There are also studies that suggests that Pineapple is a good source of vitamins to help lower down potassium content in certain foods. In fact it is a perfect fruit for this type of diet since it is very low in sodium and phosphorus, high in Vitamin C, and a good source of fiber. Eating ½ frozen canned, either chunks or crushed 2 rings or ¾ cups fresh pineapple helps regulate the potassium level in a person’s body. In fact this is highly recommended by dieticians and nutritionist in the preparation and inclusion in meal planning.
Because of the goodness of pineapple it is even suggested to incorporate this in your food recipes either the fruit or its juice. Suggestions include to make a pineapple upside down cake that is low in sugar and fat free, make a skewer barbecue with fresh pineapples and shrimp, make a fruit salad with pineapples, grapes and watermelon with no cream, add crushed pineapple to cream cheese or other spread recipes, make a sweet and sour pork or chicken recipes with crushed canned pineapples, broil pineapples for dessert, create a pineapple salsa to go with your favorite food entree or any other recipes for low potassium diet with the inclusion of pineapple that you can think of.
Creating recipes that are tasty, fun filled and enjoyable need not be a problem as restrictions for certain body ailments with the help of the internet, proper information and imagination. Anything is possible especially if you have the discipline within yourself and the willingness to live a longer and enjoyable life. Many web sites are now offering help and even free low potassium diet to help those individuals who are suffering from diabetes or kidney problems. Limiting yourself in food choices and intakes will help you solve your problem on your health problem.
Aside from the recipes it is also helpful to understand the role that potassium plays within our body system and to have all the right information on foods that are high in potassium content to guide you in preparing your meals. So do not make it a big problem whenever your doctor would tell you to limit your intake on potassium or any other minerals because these concern the wellbeing of your body. Of course it is still helpful to ask for their opinions and suggestions as well as getting ideas and suggestions from your dietician or nutritionist for that matter.
Although food suggestions mentioned are given to serve as guides in your meal planning it is still a better and safe idea to talk to your doctor and to other professionals so that proper information is given as well as a thorough explanation in your health condition can be discussed.