The Top Six Office Accessories You Need When Working from Home

Working from home can have many benefits. It can help you to save money on fuel, eliminate time spent commuting, and potentially even increase the quantity and quality of your work by removing distractions. However, working from home also has its challenges. You don’t have colleagues to ask for advice or share ideas with in-person, you aren’t surrounded by other people ready and willing to pitch in at a moment’s notice when you need help completing a task or project, and you might miss out on small updates. In order to successfully work from home and avoid feeling isolated, it is important to have the right office accessories close at hand. We’re going to share with you our top six office accessories for home and hybrid workers, all of which (and more) can be explored and purchased directly on Business Headsets.

Bluetooth Adapters

Bluetooth adaptors can be particularly useful for online workers who work with clients or colleagues in different parts of the world. Bluetooth headsets allow you to use the phone hands-free, which can be extremely helpful when typing and taking notes. Additionally, many Bluetooth headsets now come with special noise-cancelling features that help you to block out household sounds and stay focused on your call. Bluetooth keyboards can be of particular use to those who work with documents and report writing. By using a Bluetooth keyboard with your computer, you can also avoid getting up to type each time you need to revise or edit your work.

Busy Light Indicators

If you work with family around, you may want to consider investing in a busy light indicator. These devices plug into your computer’s USB port and use a light to indicate whether you are currently available for work. Choose a light with multiple colours to indicate what you are doing (pink for phone calls, green for email, blue for social media, etc.), or simply opt for a red light to show when you’re busy. By having a busy light indicator in your home office, the people around you will know when it is not the best time to contact you. This can help you to avoid interruptions and distractions while working. 

Handset Lifters

If you do a lot of work on the phone, you may want to consider investing in a handset lifter. A handset lifter allows you to pick up and put down phone calls without having to physically rise from your chair. Having a handset lifter in your home office can help you to stay seated while being professional and engaged in the conversation. While handset lifters are primarily designed for desk phones, you can also find models that also work with cordless phones.

Docking Stations

Depending on your work style, a docking station can be a helpful tool for organizing your workspace, as well as your devices. Docking stations allow you to charge, store, and sync your devices (computer, printer, external hard drive, etc.) in one place. This can help to reduce clutter by keeping wires organized and off your desk. Docking stations can be especially helpful if you often use a standing desk. Using a docking station with a standing desk can allow you to store your devices at eye level instead of having them lower down on a shelf or table. This can help you to avoid having to bend down to check your devices and can ultimately help you to remain more focused on your work.

Security Locks

If you work from home and travel to the office occasionally, you may want to consider investing in a security lock. A security lock can not only deter thieves by indicating to them that your property is secured, but also prevent any data theft in the event that they succeed. If you work with confidential information or you are an online worker who deals with sensitive client information, a security lock can help to reduce feelings of paranoia and keep you focused on your work.

LED Desktop Lights

Many of us take meetings and calls while working from home. However, hoping that the sun will beam through your window in the perfect direction, at the perfect time for your meeting may now be the most feasible approach to keeping a professional look to your home setup. Dedicated LED desktop lights are compact and easy to transport, and are the perfect way to brighten your appearance for your audience. Even after the call, they are often bright enough to help you see what you are doing, even if you work in a dark room or in the evening. These lights can help you to avoid eye strain and help you to focus on your work. And there’s no need for stress, as they’ll never lose power due to USB connectivity that plugs directly into your computer or laptop. With these office accessories ready and close by, you can easily stay productive and focused while working from home.